Your name
Mobil/Cell phone number
Facebook page (of Company)
Youtube video, if you have (links)
Select the product that you order
Standard mini-website (59 USD)
WordPress website (119 USD)
2 Banners for Google campaign (19 USD)
5 Banners for Google campaign (39 USD)
If you have a model site that you liked (among our references, or one that you have seen on the internet) enter the web address / OR if you are ordering banners - enter the address of your website
TEXT for your site (files .doc/Word, Excell, notepad... or etc)
PICTURES for your site (archived, all together or directories that are archived)
Contact details of which will be on site (phone, email, address, company name ...)
SHORTER TEXT about the company, services, your products, prices
DOMAIN (to be registered at the end)
.COM (free)
.NET (+ 5 USD)
The domain name (we'll check if he's available)
FACEBOOK page (free)
LOGO (free)
VERSION OF THE SITE IN ANOTHER FOREIGN LANGUAGE (+25 usd, translation provided by the site owner)
FORM Order product (if there are few products), free
Please make sure you fill in all required fields
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